Nombre: NCLEX-RN CPTC Review Course
Costo: Solicita información
Categoría: Curso Videoconferencia
Duración: Solicita información
Incluye: Handouts
Certificación: Asociación Americana del Corazón
Lugar: www.cardiopulmonarytc.com
Dirigido a: Profesionales de la enfermería

About us
Cardiopulmonary Training Center, Inc (CPTC) is an organization
founded in 2015 and Health Department Provider #00268. The main
mission of CPTC is contribute to the improvement of health services in
Puerto Rico and USA through the training of health professionals and
the community in general. Providing educational experiences of the
highest quality.
In 2020, it created the program NCLEX - RN CPTC Review Course
with the objective of positioning itself as the number one in review
programs for the NCLEX-RN exam.
The NCLEX - RN CPTC Review Course was developed by
Cardiopulmonary Training Center, Inc (CPTC). The purpose of this
student manual is to provide tools, structure, motivation and provide
strategies in the process of preparation for NCLEX-RN exam.